Jiho Kang
Group Position: Ph.D. student and Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: PostDoc, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Email: jihokang[at]utexas.edu
Benjamin Roman
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Senior staff chemist, Inpria
Email: dwdavies[at]utexas.edu
Daniel Davies
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Process engineer, Lam Research
Email: dwdavies[at]utexas.edu
Benjamin Z. Zydlewski
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemistry, UT Austin
Current Position: Process engineer, Intel
Email: zydlewski[at]utexas.edu
Allison Green
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Consultant, Bain and Co.
Email: allisongreen[at]utexas.edu
Sofia Shubert
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemistry, UT Austin
Current Position: Research scientist, The Dow Chemical Company
Email: sofiashubert[at]utexas.edu
Kihoon Kim
Group Position: Ph.D. student & Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Argonne National Laboratory
Email: khnkm0921[at]gmail.com
Xing Yee Gan
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Canon Nanotechnologies, Inc.
Email: xingyee.g[at]gmail.com
Vikram S. Lakhanpal
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Email: vlakhanpal[at]utexas.edu
Hsin-Che Lu
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Phillips 66
Email: hclu[at]utexas.edu
Manuel N. Dominguez
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemistry, UT Austin
Current Position: Sr. Regulatory Affairs Engineer, 3M
Email: mndominguez[at]utexas.edu
Stephen Gibbs
Group Position: Ph.D. student & Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Postdoc, University of Washington
Email: sgibbs93[at]utexas.edu
Bharat Tandon
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Email: bharat.tandon05[at]gmail.com
Progna Banerjee
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Postdoc, Argonne National Laboratory
Email: pbanerjee[at]anl.gov
Varada M. Palakkal
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Email: varada.palakkal[at]austin.utexas.edu
Lauren Reimnitz
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Email: laurengilbert[at]utexas.edu
Molly Eller
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Analytical chemist, The Dow Chemical Company
Email: mollyjhong[at]utexas.edu
Jongsik Park
Group Position: Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Kyonggi University, Republic of Korea
Email: jongsik75[at]gmail.com
Camila A. Saez Cabezas
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Analytical chemist, The Dow Chemical Company
Email: csaez[at]utexas.edu
Ankit Agrawal
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Post Doc, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Molecular Foundry
Email: ankit.che[at]utexas.edu
Amy Bergerud
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley
Current Position: Seagate
Email: abergerud[at]berkeley.edu
Ashley Bird
Group Position: Undergraduate Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Graduate Student, UC Berkeley
Email: a.bird[at]utexas.edu
Raffaella Buonsanti
Group Position: Postdoc & Project Scientist, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Staff Scientist at Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, LBNL
Email: rbuonsanti[at]lbl.gov
Marissa Caldwell
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Chemistry, Stanford University
Current Position: Principal Scientist in Research and Technology, Medtronic
Email: marissa.a.caldwell[at]medtronic.com
Tony Cauvin
Group Position: Undergraduate Intern
Email: tony.cauvin[at]ecole.ensicaen.fr
Emory Chan
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Pr. Scientific Engineering Associate, Molecular Foundry
Email: emchan[at]lbl.gov
Jae Cho
Group Position:Undergraduate Intern
Current Position: Undergraduate student, UC Santa Barbara
Email: jhc[at]umail.ucsb.edu
Shin-Hum Cho
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Keimyung University, Republic of Korea
Email: shinhum[at]gmail.com
Clayton Dahlman
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Post Doc, University of California, Santa Barbara
Email: clayton.dahlman[at]gmail.com
Luca De Trizio
Group Position: Visiting Student
Current Position: Postdoc at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Genova, Italy
Email: luca.detrizio[at]iit.it
Guillermo "Memo" Garcia
Group Position: Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
Current Position: Chief Technology Officer, Heliotrope Technologies
Email: memogarc[at]gmail.com
Elise Ghibaudo
Group Position: Visiting Researcher
Current Position: Associate Professor at the IMEP-LAHC institute, Grenoble, France
Email: elise.ghibaudo[at]utexas.edu
Sandeep Ghosh
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin, Department of Chemical Engineering
Current Position: Senior Process Engineer, ASM America, Inc.
Email: lsandeep.ghosh[at]austin.utexas.edu
Max Grunewald
Group Position: Undergraduate student, University of Texas at Dallas
Current Position: Employee at the Bureau of Energy Resources in the Office of Electricity and Energy Efficiency
Email: max.grunewald[at]utdallas.edu
Leslie Hamachi
Group Position: SULI Program Intern
Current Position: Ph.D. Student, Chemistry, Columbia University
Email: lsh2124[at]columbia.edu
Sungyeon Heo
Group Position: Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Email: sungyeonh[at]seoultech.ac.kr
Gang Han
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Email: gang.han[at]umassmed.edu
Matthew Irwin
Group Position: Undergraduate Intern
Current Position: Graduate student, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota
Email: mtirwin[at]umn.edu
Rob Johns
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Current Position: Intel
Email: rwjohns[at]lbl.gov
Amita Joshi
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position: Los Alamos National Laboratory
Email: ajoshi[at]lbl.gov
Byung Hyo Kim
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea
Email: byunghyokim[at]ssu.ac.kr
Jongwook Kim
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position: Faculty at École Polytechnique
Franziska Krieg
Group Position:ETH-Zurich Master Student, writing Master Thesis at Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Graduate student, ETH-Zurich
Email: kriegf[at]student.ethz.ch
Ilka Kriegel
Group Position: Visiting Research Scholar
Current Position: Postdoc, Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, PI: Dr. F. Scotognella, Prof. G. Cerullo, Prof. G. Lanzani
Email: ilka.kriegel[at]polimi.it
Natacha Krins
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Liège, Belgium and Affiliate of Laboratoire de la Chimie Condensée de Paris (LCMCP), Collège de France & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Email: nkrins[at]ulg.ac.be
Gabriel LeBlanc
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Tulsa, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Email: gabriel-leblanc[at]tulsa.edu
Tien Wei "Tom" Lee
Group Position: Undergraduate Researcher
Current Position: Undergraduate student, College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Email: tomleethegenius[at]gmail.com
Seth Levy
Group Position: SULI Program Intern
Michelle Liu
Group Position: SULI Program Intern
Current Position: Ph.D. Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Email: michelle.liu[at]berkeley.edu
Anna Llordes
Group Position: Project Scientist, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Associate researcher, Ikerbaske Fellow at CIC EnergiGUNE, Alava Technology Park, Miñano (Alava), Spain
Email: allordes[at]cicenergigune.com
Gladys Lopez
Group Position: Visiting Student
Current Position: 4th year undergraduate, Instituto Tecnologico do Monterrey, Mexico
Email: g.lopezsilva64[at]gmail.com
Sebastien Lounis
Group Position: Ph.D. Student, Graduate Group in Applied Science & Technology, UC Berkeley
Current Position: Business Development Specialist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Email: seblounis[at]gmail.com
Lukas Lutz
Group Position: Visiting Student
Current Position: Masters Student in Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Email: llutz[at]student.ethz.ch
Anthony Maho
Group Position: Visiting Postdoc Researcher, UT Austin
Current Position: Postdoc, University of Liège (Belgium)
Email: anthony.maho[at]utexas.edu
Ann-Katrin Michel
Group Position: Second year M.S. student, Nanotechnology and Electronic Materials, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Current Position: Graduate Student, RWTH Aachen
Email: ak.michel[at]gmx.net
Gary K. Ong
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin, Department of Chemical Engineering; UC Berkeley - Ph.D Student in Materials Science and Engineering
Current Position: Celadyne Technologies
Email: aong.garyk[at]gmail.com
Arron Phillips
Group Position: Undergraduate Researcher
Current Position: Undergraduate student, Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Email: aphillips[at]lbl.gov
Jessy Rivest
Group Position:
Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Member of the Research Staff, Xerox PARC
Email: jessy[at]alum.mit.edu
Evelyn Rosen
Group Position:
Project Scientist, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Senior Chemist, Heliotrope Technologies
Email: evelyn[at]heliotropetech.com
Evan Runnerstrom
Group Position: Ph.D. student, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, UC Berkeley
Current Position: Postdoc, North Carolina State University
Email: runnerstrom[at]berkeley.edu
April Sawvel
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Email: amsawvel[at]gmail.com
Richa Sharma
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Scientist, Schlumberger Research
Email: richas082[at]gmail.com
Ajay Singh
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position: Director's Postdoc Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Email: ajay18march[at]gmail.com
Corey Staller
Group Position: PhD Student
Current Position: Micron
Email: cstaller[at]utexas.edu
Susanne Linn Skjærvø
Group Position: Visiting PhD student, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Current Position: PhD student, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Email: susanne.l.skjarvo[at]ntnu.no
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position:
Email: yizhengtan[at]gmail.com
Ravisubhash (Ravi) Tangirala
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Senior Scientist, InVisage, Inc.
Email: Ravi.Tangirala[at]Invisageinc.com
Robert Wang
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Assistant Professor, Arizona State University
Email: rywang[at]asu.edu
Yang Wang
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position: Air Liquide
Email: yw.pitt[at]gmail.com
Anni Yang
Group Position: Undergraduate Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, UT Austin
Current Position: Schlumberger
Email: anniyang[at]utexas.edu
Omid Zandi
Group Position: Postdoc, UT Austin
Current Position:
Email: omzandi[at]austin.utexas.edu
Renjia Zhou
Group Position: Postdoc, Molecular Foundry
Current Position: Process Integration Engineer, Linear Technology
Email: rzhou[at]ufl.edu
Yingbo Zhao
Group Position: Ph.D student, Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Current Position: Ph.D student, Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
Email: xhaoyybb[at]berkeley.edu